Viv Bennett

Professor Viv Bennett CBE, Chief Nurse and Director Maternity and Early Years

About Viv Bennett
Professor Viv Bennett CBE; is Public Health England’s Chief Nurse and is the principal advisor to the government on public health nursing and midwifery . She is PHE National Director for Maternity and Early Years. From 2007 to 2012 she was deputy Chief Nursing Officer for England and from 2012 and April 2015 she was joint Director of Nursing for the Department of Health and Public Health England. She is a registered nurse and health visitor.

Viv is the lead for PHE contribution to the national Maternity Transformation programme and a range of national programmes and partnerships for ‘’best start in life’ working towards the PHE ambition that every child is ‘ready to learn at 2 and ready for school by 5’

Viv is leading on maximising the vital role that all health care professionals play in protecting and improving the public’s health through the multi-professional programme ‘All Our Health’
Viv is Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for public health nursing and midwifery with focus on evidence into practice to improve prevention across the life course and on the nursing and midwifery contribution to improving outcomes in maternal and child health.

She is a ‘digital social media champion’, using blogs and twitter to connect with professionals, partners and the public on health and wellbeing. You can follow Viv on Twitter @vivjbennett
Viv is a visiting professor and fellow at Kings College London lecturing on public health nursing and on leadership.